unfortunately the project and campaign has been put on the back burner due to work commitments, but we have managed to finish the next part of the campaign all be it a little late. This fictional battle took place when the 5th British infantry division with cavalry support from the Netherlands cavalry Division, were ordered to hold the Quatre Bras to Montreal St Jean road against the leading elements of Reille 2nd corps. ( in our campaign the battle of Quatre Bras never took place the French main attack against the Prussians did happen all be it a little further south of Ligny. This was a French victory and they drove the Prussians north isolating the Allies to the west ) The main defencive line of the Allies was now along the ridge with the village of Caillou on the British right. Wellington needed time to withdraw to his favoured defencive position at Waterloo, but to do this he needed time. The French under Reille were advancing down the main road with elements of their cavalry covering the flanks.
The Allies
The 5th British infantry division
CNC Sir Thomas Picton (AGGRESSIVE )
8th brigade Sir James Kempt (AR2)
28th British infantry
32nd British infantry
79th British infantry
Plus 6 coys of 95th rifles
9th brigade Sir Denis Pack (AR2)
3/ 1st British infantry
42nd British infantry
2/ 44th British infantry
92nd British infantry
5th Hanoverian landwehr brigade Von Vincke (AR4)
Gifhorn landwehr
Hemeln landwehr
Hildersham landwehr
Peine landwehr
2 attached foot batteries
Part of the Netherlands cavalry Division
1st light brigade Baron C de Ghigny (AR4)
4th Dutch light dragoons
8th Belgian hussars
2nd light brigade J B van Merlen (AR4)
6th Dutch hussars
5th Belgian light dragoons
Total 8,551 men
The allies force with command and attached artillery.
The French
Elements of the 2nd corps
Comte Honore Charles Reille (AGGRESSIVE )
5th infantry Division Baron Gilbert Desire Bachelu
1st brigade Baron Husson (AR3)
3rd line 2 battalions
61st line 2 battalions
2nd brigade Baron Campi (AR3)
72nd line 2 battalions
108th line 3 battalions
attached foot artillery battery
6th Infantry Division Prince Jerome Bonaparte
1st brigade Baron Bauduin (AR2)
1st light infantry 3 battalions
2nd light infantry 4 battalions
2nd brigade Baron Soye (AR2)
1st line infantry 3 battalions
2nd line infantry 3 battalions
attached foot artillery battery
2nd cavalry Division Comte Hippolyte Pires
1st brigade Baron Huber (AR3)
1st Chasseurs
6th Chasseurs
2nd brigade Baron Wathiez (AR3)
5th lancers
6th lancers
attached horse artillery battery
The full French force plus command
The rules we are going to use are called Napoleon at war. They are designed for large scale battles. You can customise the army's while still using the same bases. The base can represents a battalion in a corps action or a brigade in a large combined, corps action. The (AR) after each of the brigade commanders is there activation rate in the command phase of a turn. Each player rolls as many D6 dice as he has Brigade commanders, plus 1 D6 for the Command. More on command in the battle report.
the Allies orders are to hold the ridge line and the village of Caillou to allow the main army to assemble at Waterloo. If at the end of the 10th turn, the allies still hold the ridge and the village the French must withdraw and the Allies can claim a victory. If the Allies only hold one of the positions they must withdraw, and the French can claim the victory.
the French orders are simply to clear the allies from the village and hills to the north of the main line of the Armies advance, as soon as possible. If at the end of the 10th turn the allies still hold the ridge line and village, you must withdraw from the combat. ( you can explain this to Napoleon )
If the Allies only hold one of the positions they will be forced to withdraw from the combat, you can claim victory.
The British and Hanoverian infantry move onto the ridge. The 28th and the 32nd British line move to the right and move into the village. The 95th rifles move down the ridge to cover the main road leading to Caillou and the woods to its left flank. The remaining British infantry hold the centre with the Hanoverian infantry positioned on the left. The 2 batteries of artillery are posted near the centre. The 2 Brigades of Netherlands cavalry are in support on the left and centre.
The French begin there advance down the main road leading to Caillou the 6th Infantry Divisions 1st brigade leading the infantry with the cavalry Brigades on both flanks. The rest of there command is strung out on the road.
We are going to leave it there a full battle report in will follow in part two.
Till next time.