The army is designed on the basic impetus system with between 10 to 12 bases/units with a separate command base, unlike basic and full impetus were the command/leaders are based within a unit.
The army represent a French force for 1804 to 1812, when the French armies were at there height. my intention is to put together a basic version of the Grandeur rules (nothing official ) and play a few games to See how things go. The French army.
French army 1804-1812
3 veteran line infantry (FP) 5 5/6 1 3 SK A VET
4 line infantry (FP) 5 4/5 1 2 SK A
2 hussars (CL) 12 3/4 1 1 VET
1 artillery 6 2 0 1 ART B
1 command
The army is made up of 10 bases/units plus command
1 of the veteran bases/units and up to 2 of the line units can be swapped for allied troops as can 1 of the light cavalry bases/units. these do not change the stat's for the bases/units
options for the cavalry are: 2 hussar bases/units, 2 chassaur bases/units or 1 lancer and 1 chassaur bases/units
I'm working on the British and allies lists, I'm thinking maybe an early and late Peninsular list and a 100 days campaign list.
Once i have them sorted i will start painting up some bases and start play testing the lists, things will bound to change once play testing begins.
The Veterans
The 4 bases of Line infantry
French hussars the 1st and 5th
artillery and command base in the back ground
The full French army
Hope you have enjoyed this first look at the Peninsular project hopefully more to follow soon.
Till next time.